Research Integrity at Queen Mary

- Maintaining the highest standards of rigour and integrity in all aspects of research;
- Ensuring that research is conducted according to appropriate ethical, legal, and professional frameworks, obligations, and standards;
- Supporting a research environment that is underpinned by a culture of integrity and based on good governance, best practice, and support for the development of researchers;
- Using transparent, robust, and fair processes to deal with allegations of research misconduct should they arise; and
- Working together to strengthen research integrity and review progress regularly and openly.
These commitments form an integral part of Queen Mary’s approach to the ethical conduct of research, with its mission and values set out in the Queen Mary Strategy and the statement of our values.
The framework is set out in more detail in Policy 2a: Queen Mary policy on research integrity (revised June 2024) [PDF 169KB].
The Named Person for Research Integrity at Queen Mary is Professor Andrew Livingston, Vice-Principal (Research and Innovation).
Contact us
For information and advice about research integrity matters, including training or concerns about the conduct of a particular research study, please contact James Patterson, Research Integrity and Assurance Lead, at
If you wish to make a formal complaint about a research study, please see our Research Misconduct page.
We are based in Dept. W, 81 Mile End Road, London, E1 4UJ.
What is the UK Research Integrity Office?
Queen Mary has subscribed to the UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO) since 2016. The UKRIO is an independent advisory body that supports the public, researchers, and organisations in furthering good research practice. A registered charity, it was created in response to longstanding and growing concerns about the reliability of research.
UKRIO is the UK’s most experienced research integrity organisation. Since 2006, it has provided independent and expert support across all disciplines of research, from the arts and humanities to the life sciences. It works to enhance good research practice, address mistakes, questionable practices and fraud, and improve the culture and systems of UK research.
Research integrity is another name for ‘good research practice’. It’s the conduct of research in ways that promote trust and confidence in all aspects of the research process.
Research integrity covers all research and the whole lifecycle, from the initial idea and design of the project through the conduct of research and its dissemination. It also covers ensuring that environments and systems for research safeguard and enhance good research practice, rather than hinder it – often described as ‘research culture‘.
UKRIO offers researchers:- Education – guidance and support through publications on research practice, training activities and a comprehensive events programme: Publications; Events; and YouTube
- Sharing the best practice – clear and honest development for the research community through facilitated discussions about key issues, informing national and international initiatives, and working to improve research culture: Resources; UKRIO Twitter
- Expert guidance – confidential and expert advice and guidance, as a proactive service for both institutions and individual researchers, as well as in response to requests for assistance.
You can contact UKRIO for confidential advice on research integrity and research culture issues, for example achieving good practice, publication ethics, research misconduct, research ethics, conflicts of interest and improving research culture.